Thursday, December 18, 2008

More About My Comedy Machine It seems there are two general reams of a real Comic Machine, a numbered ream with 1-100 or more pages with each memo authorized out in full, and a Current Tab with each memo written as a word that summarizes up the thought with the most recent page/memo numbers written in the order they occured so you can always find your recent jokes fast in order from the page/memo numbers.

This makes it so you can easily find and make joke memos fast, and to later find them in and out of order.
This link is for more advanced use once you understand the three general motifs of Puns, Probabilistic Associations between Two Unrelated Words , and The Good Side and Bad Side of most verbal ideas as I say. This is the best way I've seen to make A Comedy Machine of this type, and it's good to use both the index and the page/memo with perhaps a one word synopses zone of a real Machine like this, so you have the best advantage of my years of experience from the start. Even so you can skip this page while you learn the three more classic motifs first, then you can actually Build A Comic Machine from there by the way of this, my Click The Cosmos Site, Where URLS! ..

(When making the volume out of yes, actual real woods, the 1-100 memo pun pages are 100 or higher. To double the room I just add 101 to 200 bound in when making the book and then use the last two numbers of each page to extend and continue the memos at the first 100. For exaample 97 is continued automatically at 197, or 74 is continued at 174 with an easy way to double the room to author more jokes and memos in the volume. 200 pages is enough to last a long time, without out your Comedy Machine out weighing a tuna fish.). Once the memo or other words you want to build up is in the index ream of the machine, the first word (what the memo is about) goes to The Recent Tab memo ream. It's good to alway find your most recent notes fast. This is important because as you add lots of jokes, it becomes more and more uncommon to find your current entry otherwise by implosion. By putting the page and joke number to access vice versa between both the memo written out and the words with a keyword on your Recent Tab site in the book, you can see what the the notes are like and where they are.

On the 1-100 memo joke pages reading letter(s) for words (which I call LFW, which is it's own LFW!) near each memo is not as much labor, important to building up your brain by effort. Not too much to strain, enough to flex and boost your brain.

It's more easy to recognise if the letters are set apart with commas, or right angle 45 degree lines between 2 or more LFW words, you can break them down to smaller more reliable steps, reading through each joke or memo from the start of each. (I leave a column about an inch wide on the outside of the pages, for your best jokes you can make more exercises to remember even better, for example you can ask the joke as a question with blanks, use usual acronyms (one letter of each word to make words) or condensed LFW's, with just some of the important words of the memo. Then once I'm aware of the LFWs of the memos of most worth, these "synopses" memos in the column are of more worth yet (you can try all three and see which is best for you) going back and forth between the general synopses "map" of the words in the column, and the SE words, to see it in different lights. The actual memo as I say is written out and listed in the 1-100 pun part of the volume, with general/zoom (page/ memo) reference numbers between memos on the 1-100 or more memo in full pages. On the Synopses Tab Page you have your current memos in order with a brief synopses of each as above. Say you want to remember to tell person A you saw yesterday about invention B plus a Joke, you write the whole memo and joke in the 1 to 200 pages where it fits, then list the page and note number in the Tab/Recent, with the page memo numbers for both. (You can circle the most important LFWs and learn them well for speed and add the other less important words in each sentence when you have time if you're, say, in a rush).

You can list anything of worth in your life or any problem to solve and how to solve it in the Comic Machine, I use mine for inventions remembering to say considerate things to others, humor, trivia, and so on. This Machine method can be used for any type of verbal problem solving! You could use it for math if you have someone who knows what you're talking about, science, anything where creativity and memory are of worth. This can be used for prayers from small books of inspirational bon mots, prayers plus jokes of your own, anything you want to improve in the verbal realm with stronger creativity, or surer memory. Since the jokes and other memos on the pun pages are in order you have all the memos listed by type. (You can have seperate reams of the Machine for say inventions, or what you must achieve, for instance I access from the LFW synopses site my latest invention with a joke about it). Thus you can look up all the jokes say about christmas, or e.g. science and if you're short of a punch line for a memo you can find it in the 1-200 pages and use it from there with a page/memo number in the LFW Tab ream of the Machine, if I went over it the first time years ago and forgot it, just listing it twice in the LFW site in another month ar 30 years is rebuilding plus more. You only have to write the LFWs for the memo in it's permanent form once becayse you can fast read where you put them in the Tab Site just by flipping through the 1 to 200 joke pages, and finding the joke. And by dating this Recent Tab ream of the volume with the dates you can use it to remember what happened last time at Christmas or with the boss last time and improve on your ideas, (actually your verbal reflexes) for the go round ahead, getting more wise with each cycle. For example to find what page the Xmas memos are and what others said and your witty gossip about each Xmas memo look in the main pun part of your Machine under 74 (=CIR for Christmas), and here I find listed, the Christmas listings, jokes, no doubt, but also where in the Tab pages to find say Christmas 08 or Boss 5-17-07.

One great thing about The Comic Machine is you can find the good words faster. Say you make a good joke about a wave number bed based on the usual unusual contradiction, however some of the words say about sleep are a bit lacking in english for sleep. Snore, snuffle, yawn, there are few sleep words but they seem "dumb". This often happens, there are many ideas with few good words that are involved, even though the idea is common and good like sleep. To reclaim more land for the good, your good, one way is just to make up sleep words, so in my volume at sn (02) I have the best words seen in the thesaurus, snuffle, drive pigs to market, wheeze, yawn, and for more options/to make up for this, I dream up (Why was he always trying to hide Jeanie in I dream of Jeannie?) "cushy super zooms in my own snore machine at night" or "at the airfield and cushy at 200 mph!" Often you can find good cushy words with a bed, or you can make up your own words. Either way the main advantage The Comic Machine has over the Memory Book or any other I've seen is that you retain the progress you make. To complete the memo with your good side of it, you look under the SN(02) page, and the best words you've devised or authorized are fast to find to plug in your memo. This is of more worth than The Memory book or other books for this because it often takes more computation than just improv. You often may not dig up the good and best words without looking through many related memos, but when you achieve them you can put them in the LFW realm and then memorize them for life. You're better off with the words that are your good words, and this is the most number crunching AOL to recieve them from above I've seen, in your electric plane it's 70% to go 100 miles!

You may say, I'm not creative. Neither was I like a lot of people at 21, I had no idea of any of this and I was making a lot of effort, like that song, Wish I Knew Then What I know Now When I Was Wiser, Well, Hopes Were Up! Creativity is believed by many who study it to be not so much blinding brilliance as a patient building up of power with brilliance, mostly force of your belief in your life and your world. Being in good health with all your life ahead is not so bad! Even morso with wisdom. If I had the Machine at 21, good. No doubt it's of even higher worth to make the most with each situation and lots of labor, but the Machine is a deeper cogitation about "what's actually going on" as you may agree on my Comic Machine page about the three most important types of verbal creativity, Puns, Two unlike motifs that Contradict, and the Good Side and Bad side of each idea in life.. For instance MRI science shows that the part of the brain that's used when you remember is much the same as for thinking about the future days and months to come. This would be because when you remember you go from start to finish about each memory even if years later, just as in creative problem solving, so to learn these creativity and memory motifs are all important. I've found my best motifs here for you by el mucho editsans so you have the strongest foundation I've seen to build on if you make just some labor each day like I do. Even if I don't read all the time, it's a real pleasure to read this Machine, so it's a good reinforcing motivation.

Essentially the Machine is a computer (an A Z) like the internet but with the special memory and creativity motifs. The method of reading words then LFW's (one letter per word) is also the most easy I've found to make a simple reliable exercise to learn well, just by reading the word letters and adding the words in batches of a few as I'm more and more familiar. In general it seems best to go from the first word written out, the thought of the memo, and augment more and more of the words each time you reread the memo, going from start to finish of each sentence and joke, and so on, going from familiar to new and augmenting as you go in a hopefully reliable way. Reading the letters for words in reverse is a good exercise (or actually batches foreward in reverse general units). They say reading in rewind and other unusual activity like left hand where write actually exercises your brain more with the size of your brain that forms memory multipying up the famous Hat Band sell out concert in the MRI machine. You can use words made by the letters to learn what the letters mean well, the word can be comic or common, or it may not be common with the words but because it's like a word you know already, and waterbed is if worth because the bubbles aren't loud when you snuffle!
